The debut trailer for Deadpool 3 premiered during a commercial break at Super Bowl LVIII, offering fans a glimpse into Wade Wilson’s entrance into the Marvel Cinematic Universe alongside his close companion, Wolverine. This substantial trailer provides an official preview of the film’s development before its anticipated summer release, unveiling its official title: Deadpool and Wolverine. This title promises a showdown between two of Marvel’s iconic characters within the MCU, complete with the trademark fourth wall breaks characteristic of the Deadpool franchise.
As one of the first Marvel projects to integrate X-Men characters into the MCU, Deadpool 3 presents a unique opportunity to explore crossover dynamics under Disney’s ownership of 21st Century Fox. With Ryan Reynolds reprising his role as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman returning as Wolverine, the film maintains its R rating while navigating new storytelling parameters.
While Deadpool 3 marks the next installment in the MCU, it stands as the sole theatrical release for fans this year. The next MCU film, Captain America: Brave New World, is scheduled for February 2025, though several Disney+ shows, including Agatha: Darkhold Diaries, X-Men ’97, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and Eyes of Wakanda, are slated for release throughout 2024.
Mark your calendars for Deadpool 3’s theatrical debut on July 26, 2024.